Saturday, February 23, 2013

The billionaires next door | The Great Debate

The billionaires next door | The Great Debate

Pittsburgh was one of the smelters of America’s Gilded Age. As the industrial revolution took hold there, Andrew Carnegie was struck by the contrast between “the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the laborer.” Human beings had never before lived in such strikingly different material circumstances, he believed, and the result was “rigid castes” living in “mutual ignorance” and “mutual distrust” of one another.

Iv-B and Oy-R result in more inequality because they are chaotic without a normal equilibrium in wealth. They boom and bust, like poker the better players quickly get most of the money and the wealth distribution becomes more like an exponential than a normal curve.

  Gates said. “I haven’t found any burgers at any price that are better than McDonald’s.” He admitted there were some great perks, like flying on a private jet, but said that after a “few million or something, it’s all about how you’re going to give it back.”

V people are like the leaves of trees, they distribute a lot of wealth as charity to Roy people in the food chain. Even Y people can be like this as philanthropists or looking after their people, they act like the apex of the food chain that controls evolution according to what they destroy and what they allow to thrive.

A recent family of academic studies suggests that there may in fact be a coarsening effect of privilege. Paul Piff, a psychologist at UC Berkeley, and four other researchers devised seven different experiments to test the impact of affluence on how we treat others. “Is society’s nobility in fact its most noble actors?” the researchers ask. Their answer is a resounding no: “Relative to lower-class individuals, individuals from upper-class backgrounds behaved more unethically. ” Their explanation for the behavior of these ignoble nobles: “We reason that increased resources and independence from others cause people to prioritize self-interest over others’ welfare and perceive greed as positive and beneficial, which in turn gives rise to increased unethical behavior.”

More successful talented people can be Iv and cut throat competitive, however as they rise higher they can join the V club and support each other against these lower down Iv competitors.

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